Monday, September 14, 2009

Last Sunday i went to church
and saw a lot of people came @-@
& I was so amazed lol~
About 120 people came!
(psh I'm a backslider)XD

To witness our brother & sister's
water batiste....!
We cheered for everyone of them! =)
as they make their commitment to God =)
(I felt the joy too~)

Then we had buffet for lunch,
after the huge event!~

And ended our day with! Games XD
We had a good heart felt laugh together
and this end our amazing day! =)

Monday, September 14, 2009

My 1st week of holiday was kind of dull...
But i did enjoy seeing my friends
& play lots of computer games lol~

Still have my heavy panda eyes & eyes bag though~
lol~ hmm cause not enough sleep
Or mayb sleep too much le~ XD
Arg my eyes feel so painful~ @-@

I want to bake some cookies
Hope to see all my friends during the holidays~

Monday, September 14, 2009