Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hi ='(


Today i wake up early know, cause don't want to be late again..
I bought my HEAVY laptop to school along with the case to protect it.....
Wow so heavy... have to climb that high mountain again.... @-@
Drag the stuff up there...(i think i will slim down pretty soon XD)

Rushing to my classroom and enter the lift up there....
When i reach the level...
The corride door is so quite i find it creepy....
Can hear the air-con blowing... XS

Waited for 30mins outside the room and no sign of motion...
only me in the creepy empty rooms..
Finally i went down to the staff room an saw a small sign saying....
"NO tutor and workshop for the 1st week, student have to attend all lecture"
AH =@@@ i came 3 hour early...... =@@@@@@

Felt so frustrate >->
Then walked aimlessly around the school with my "GOLD"
Felt thirsty half way and went to a water cooler...

I SAW nunru!!
My long lost friend.....
Wow our eyes shine when we saw each other....
She still had that sun shine smile, which melt anyone's heart... X3
She wore a pink t-shirt, look so sweet XD

It's her 3rd year here....
So happy to see her... XD
We went to eat lunch together and chat for a while....
She show me the way to my next class and left....=S
(she had to go for class)

Yea i came early today Boo but i get to meet my long lost friend!~Yea~
So happy ^-^~

Then i went to try out Chinese orchestra...
Got to try playing my favorite and always wanted to try out de instrument
can u guess it??
Cello!! XD wow it sound so pretty...... the tune that i like....

I had a hard time learning the basic..... =(
My senior say i will have a harder time that others..
Cause my hand and finger are short!!! =@@
Can't reach the end of the bow.....
have to move my hand and body really far apart.. =(
violin is good for me he say.... =/

Ah he discourage me ='(
So annoying sob......
I kept trying.... and end up with a sore shoulder
Sigh >->
Had to carry my "GOLD" home on my injure shoulder..

I get to try out my favorite instrument(yea) but end up with aching shoulder..(Boo)

So that was my Mixed up day.... Hiax

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I was blur blur and was late for school so
I approach a staff to help me find the way to lecture room lol~
Then the guy say~
wow today i very "lucky" Then he show me the map.....
I saw the map and the lecture room was so far away!~
Have to climb mountain to get there, half way through the way the guide say
"wow i walk till my face turn green already....."

I was still ok until we start going upward...
I was panting like mad 1/3 of the way there @-@l!
Then i ask the guy are we there yet.... DX
"Still far away la" XS
Then we hang on through the way...
while i'm still panting like mad...
And sweating like a cow....

Lucky we met a girl along the way and she show was a short cut there
The guy walk me all the way there and i thank him....
Kind of feeling bad though cause he all sweating and tired cause of me sob....
He had to walk all the way back to the entrance lay.... XD

Wow the room is FULL and they all look so confidence and comfortable like the senior
there that make me look so stun and confuse i had to check the timetable 3 time to ensure i'm at the right place know.... DX

I scan the place 3 time to find an empty chair....
And approach the seat bravely (cause i was late ma XD)
Then the guy next to the empty chair gave me an annoyed look >->
Like i disgusted him... >:(
"Hmp who do he think he is...... >->"
I sat down anyway

Those who came later have to sit on the steps XD
I found that i can't really concentrate during the lecture...
Cause so many people and i didn't bring my note there DX
Just so curious there, kept looking around haha XD
I saw some of my classmate in the room =3
There all dress so nicely de =S

I went to check out the CCA
Wow the convention center is PACK of 1st year student....
Have to wave through the crowd....
Got ice skating,roller bladeing,swimming,Japanese club, french club, band, dance, over 100 CCA to choice from..
so many CCA i want to join but so little time...
I choice Chinese orchestra, np string and tanwato XD
Going to try them out next week and choice 1 out of the 3

I rmb i saw the on the directory they say bus 52 to Bishan 1....
Then i waited happily and saw a bus 52 that say go Tanjong Pagang
I began to panic!!! Cause i saw that bus 52 goes Bishan de....
And np bus stop doesn't have directory 1.... =@@@

So i sms pw for help... xD
haha so scare know cause i waited for 30mins saw so many bus pass by le
Finally saw bus 52 and it say other place... Xp
Then i clam down a little after Pw reply me... hehe
After waiting 15 mins more another 52 came by and i saw!!
Bishan!! so i happily hop to my feet and run for the bus!! haha
Felt relief and msg Pw to say i'm ok.... XD

I felt so tired that i can't sleep...
Can u belive it..
Tired till cannot sleep... @=@
Lay down but body is aching too much....
I ate some food then finally slept at 2am

That is what happen on my 1st day of ngee ann poly

Thursday, April 22, 2010